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Treadmaster Treadcote - Product Information

Treadcote Paint is designed to rejuvenate the appearance of heavily weathered or stained Treadmaster Original. The product is easy to apply with full surface preparation and application details shown on the can.

Available in the four main Treadmaster Original Colours.

Can you paint TREADMASTER?

3 Different categories of Treadmaster

A.Image of TREADMASTER Original after many years of usage.

B.Newly laid TREADMASTER Original Fawn

C.TREADMASTER Original after being painted with TREADCOTE.

Please note: All Treadcote (apart from White) dries to a slightly darker shade than our equivalent Treadmaster Original colours.


Ensure good ventilation throughout the operation. Painting should only be undertaken in dry conditions at temperatures between 10°c and 25°c.


Clean off all dirt and contaminants, then mask off the pad from the exposed deck.


Apply the paint with a brush, working it into the grooves between the pattern.


Even it out with an emulsion style roller, protecting the cabin sides against splatter.

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